Wednesday, 10 October 2012

New members? Well yes, we have!

Tuesday's meeting (last night), the one I had spent so much time on the loo reading rules books in preparation of, didn't quite work out as expected.

Two of the prospective newbies sadly called in sick and as they were to provide the figures for the 15mm hail Caesar game this left me in a bit of a position regarding games; what should we run now? I then had a call from club member Richard asking what games we were to play...he had found two further prospective members that he had invited to the club that evening to see the games! Blimey. No worries I said, we will have something. Operation Squad is always a good stand by and we have club terrain and armies for that, I would also bring my copy of Memoir 44, just in case. But it was all starting to feel a bit pooey with just a couple of hours to go!

The evening started with the usual staggered arrivals which I watched with concern, just who would turn up to do what...and with whom? Its a complicated life being a club chairman you know! Club Member Alex arrived, who I expected to not be there given he had been away at a weekend wargame competition, and set up and ran a modern 6mm game...he is a top guy! Phil, another top guy, arrived to run a 15mm ancients game using 'Might of Arms' rules using his own figures. both games could take a number of extra players and we still had the option of operation Squad and Memoir 44.....we were going to get away with this!

The two new visitors arrived and were introduced to all and shown around, they were encouraged to talk to the other members and join in any game that took their interest....both of whom later expressed an interest in returning and becoming members! The third of the original three prospective newbies also arrived....Hi Dave!....and handed me a completed membership form and fee! So, we now have thirteen members and still four prospective newbies yet to make their mark on the dotted line, things are actually looking up despite that early pre meeting scare. The two games looked really good and were well run by people who knew the rules....we looked pretty professional at the end.

This just left Mark and I who, committee duties dealing with visitors etc now complete, looked to a game of our own. It was too late to start something like Operation squad so we decided upon Memoir 44; and we had a very good time too.

Memoir 44 is a board game with plenty of figures and a very interesting game play. You can only activate certain units spread across a board divided into three sections. The command cards each player is dealt can activate a given number of units on a given sector of the board, making a strategy tricky; you have to think on the fly and play the hand fate deals you. The rule book has sixteen scenarios and the board is double sided to allow for some very interesting games. Mark and I played the first scenario twice, each taking at turn to play German and US forces, as the rules suggest players do. We each won one game, both as the US forces.

The game was easy to play but far from a simple game, it takes some thought. We both really enjoyed it and look forward to trying the other scenarios, definitely worth a look dear blog reader!


  1. Sounds like it went well in the end and at least you've had a brush up with the rules. We'll have to come down for a game one day, if we can get organized this end that is!!!

    1. Hi Ray,

      yep, a brush up with the rules, a large lump over my eye where my head hit the sink, new members and played a good game....or is that just the large lump talking??? We would love to see you all at a meeting, we must arrange something. Are you going to the legion show in ramsgate/deal?

  2. New blood is good, we need some ourselves and to replace members like Ray!

    1. hi Angry,

      New blood is the only way since they banned our breeding program...long story, needless to say it was Marks fault (our version of your own Ray), never should have let him near the chemistry set and that copy of Darwin's 'origin of Species' gave him some strange ideas and we will never get those scorch marks out of the floorboards! We still get occasional visits from the RSPCA and we are all barred from the Iwade Off if we knew it was his Aunt!

  3. Sounds like things are coming together.

    LOL @ Fran

    1. Hi Brummie,

      So far so good, it is all really positive so far....which worries me!

      As for Fran, yeah. Bless him :)

  4. Hey Alan, you thought about bringing in some d&d encounters? Been doing some research and it seems a lot easier to pick up and play than regular d&d

  5. Hi Ollie,

    D&D, blimey, that takes me back some years. I havn't played anything role play for yonks. There is not a lot of call for such things at the club today although who knows? There does seem to be a slight rise in these sort of games amongst historical gamers, ableit in the form of games like Munchkin etc. Next time you are around this way we will have to introduce you to the wonder that is 'War on Terror - the boardgame'. I think you will enjoy that...possibly even get to wear the Evil Balaclava!
