
Wednesday 3 June 2015

MHWC Painting Competition 2015 - Part 1

How'do Folks, Leofwine here after a long hiatus.

As anthropomorphic personality of Milton Hundred Wargames Club I currently find myself out of sorts. It's almost like I'm suffering from some kind of multiple personality disorder and my previous preference for all things Arsenal and a daily diet of 16 bowls of Coco Pops and a bottle of gin appears to have worn off. Luckily this incarnation has a positive attitude to all things beer, but also a preference for Fantasy games (and all those girly elves and such) but I guess worse things happen at sea, so........ mustn't grumble.

Anyway on with the update..........

As those who attend the club will know, MHWC is currently running a painting competition sponsored by Wargame Solutions who have offered up some swanky pants Army Painter paint sets.

The rules for the competition can be found here.

Submissions for the competition (which can come in via the Club ForumMHWC Facebook group, or email) have started to trickle in and I thought we'd put up some of the model pics we've had in so far.

Clint's efforts to date, he tried to claim more for some figures he's painting for a friend but they hadn't been based so "No Dice"

Andy King seems to be the most prolific at the moment. However there's still time yet and there's talk of his painting hand having intimate relations with a sledge hammer if he thinks he's getting that Army Painter paint set ;-)

This is the running total of the points claimed so far:

Clint ..................................... 5 x 20mm Figs ............................................... 20pts
.............................................11 x 28mm Figs .............................................. 55pts
.........................................................................................RUNNING TOTAL: 75PTS

Andy .................................... 13 x 28mm Figs .............................................. 65pts
............................................. 8 x 28mm Figs .............................................. 40pts
............................................. 4 x 28mm Figs* ............................................. 20pts - Bestiary (+30pts)
............................................. 2 x 28mm Figs ............................................... 10pts
............................................. 1 x 28mm Figs* .............................................. 5pts - Does that hurt? (+30pts)
............................................. 4 x 28mm Figs .............................................. 20pts
.........................................................................................RUNNING TOTAL: 220PTS

I've also seen other candidates submissions in the wings but they're not fully finished and based yet so they'll soon be more names in the pot.

Right I think that's enough from me for the 1st update in 6 months, still a few cobwebs to shift but hopefully we'll be back into the swing of things soon enough.

Leofwine Wargamerson out.


  1. Good to see you posting again, and thank goodness that nasty Arsenal rash has worn off. I knew you would grow out of it with age, just a phase you were going through.

    Good to see the painting getting some coverage, and as you can see I am taking it easy and not going for the 1500 points of the Analogue Painting Challenge, As a "New" club member it would be wrong of me to do so and ruin the chances for any others.

    1. Unfortunately the blog has been abit neglected of late. Hopefully we'll get back into the swing of things and expand the content.

      By all means submit as many painted models as you see fit, it's down to everyone if they want to take part.

  2. You keep your slefge hammer to yourelf sir.

